Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Wonders Of Medical Marijuana To Chronic Pain

Chronic pain has really multiplied fast reaching epidemic proportions in this country. Chronic pain is commonly described as pain that lasts three months or longer. Though experienced by older adults more than anyone else, but still manages to affects all ages. Chronic pain affects almost 50 million people while acute pain due to surgery and accidents hits 25 million of people.

Treatment usually imposes he great problem when dealing with chronic pain. The National Chronic Pain Outreach Association accounts seven million people are claimed that opiate medications are needed to relieve their pain while only 4,000 doctors are eager to prescribe it. What threatens these doctors' licenses are the negative publicity, erroneous views about addiction, or the Drug Enforcement Agency's (DEA) scrutiny. Prescribing opiods entails these doctors to consider tolerance to the drug thus affecting the adequate dosage to totally knock off the pain felt. Living a painful life triggers depression to set in which will compel one to resort to suicide if prolonged.

I am strictly against usage of marijuana medical weed for recreation but studies show its many beneficial effects on the  treatment of chronic pain. Marijuana is gifted with two main effects: it's predominant analgesic effect and its anti-inflammatory capacity. Though opiod medications are proven effective in pain management in the beginning, tolerance can develop over time and cancel its main purpose as well. Research claimed that marijuana use can impose more benefits than other legal pain relievers aside from it threat to the lungs. According to researches on animal models, legal overdose is out of the story.

Marijuana treats pain and as well as nausea associated with opiod medication usage. Compared to the synthetic form of marijuana which is Marinol,  inhaled marijuana renders  immediate relief because it is absorbed into the blood at a faster rate, and it contains more cabbinoids than Marinol. Marijuana brings about lesser side-effects than Marinol.

Recently, the United State's government has expressed its outmoded  testimonies on marijuana. Being classified as a Class A schedule I drug with no  medicinal value at all, it is highly considered dangerous and nevertheless illegal. Point of views are gradually fluctuating in time. Though medical marijuana in la is now accepted in treating chronic pain, it would still encounter criticisms nationwide just like the opiates before.

Marijuana for medical use has been legally accepted in thirteen states for the year 2008 if done with doctor's recommendation. Way back October of 2009, the Obama Administration developed  guidelines to propose that  medical marijuana patients will not be arrested or prosecuted as long as their caregivers are aware of their duties and obligations to the state.

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